What the heck are these guys doing?

Matthew, Weston and Nathan are first year medical students with a passion for community health and biking. Along with Daphne, a first year Veterinary student, the 4 companions will embark on a five-week trip through 1,000 miles of rural Oregon wonder. Along the way they will be working in conjunction with the Oregon Academy of Family Physicians to facilitate community discussions on improving local healthcare options. See our photo album

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Central Oregon Coast - Oh My!

With the exception of our dash across route 26, every mile of this trip has been beautiful. That said, I think we all agreed that today's section from Cape Perpetua to Florence takes the cake for breath-taking scenery. On top of the rugged coastline, this stretch is also studded with a number of amazing bridges courtesy of our main man Conde McCullough (check the classy photo!).

Yesterday we stopped in on Newport for a cup of jo, some cookies and a look at the Hatfield Marine Science Center. We parked under one of Mr. McCullough's bridges for lunch. Our appetites have been building steam along with the trip but fortunately the culinary skills of the group have been up to the challenge. So mom, if you're reading this, don't worry. We got a little fancy last night and whipped up some stuffed peppers. Ooo-la-la!

Later in the afternoon we set up camp in Cape Perpetua State Park and checked out some of the local splendor including Devil's Churn and a whale-of-a sitka spruce tree. We met an amazing family who were in the midst of a 13 month bike tour of the world. Julie (moma) and Martin (papa) were on the road with their four sons - Moses, Caspar, Turis and Herbie. All four youngins are are under the age of 5 = INCREDIBLE!! Check them out.

Today began with our first flat - Nathan of course. After a quick tube switch, it was smooth sailing on the rolling hills of 101. We treated ourselves to pizza and ice cream for lunch in Florence (we deserved it). From there it was a short trip south to our nesting ground, Jesse M. Honeyman State Park. I'm writing this post from a picnic table at the hiker/biker campsite. There are a bunch of other bikers here and it has been fun getting everyone's story.

Presentation two and three are on deck tomorrow. Nathan will take stage in Florence followed by Matt's late show in Reedsport. Our first double header! We are definitely looking forward to sinking our teeth into more presentations! There should be a lot to talk about tomorrow. Thanks for following.


  1. Good luck tomorrow Nathan! And Wes, can you cook me up some of those peppers when you get back? YUM.

  2. It looks like you are having fun!!!
