What the heck are these guys doing?

Matthew, Weston and Nathan are first year medical students with a passion for community health and biking. Along with Daphne, a first year Veterinary student, the 4 companions will embark on a five-week trip through 1,000 miles of rural Oregon wonder. Along the way they will be working in conjunction with the Oregon Academy of Family Physicians to facilitate community discussions on improving local healthcare options. See our photo album

About Nate

Quick Stats:

Bicycle - Kona Jake
Favorite Conifer - Ponderosa Pine
Favorite Bird - Sandhill Crane
Girlfriend - Jess H. Hoylman
Hidden Talent - Morel spotting
Trip Responsibility - Camp Chef
Legal Name- Dean "Nathanial" Defrees

Nathan grew up on a family cattle ranch in Eastern Oregon, just southwest of Baker City.  In 2007 he graduated with a biology degree from Oregon State University.  He is currently a medical student at OHSU and he hopes to return to practice medicine in Eastern Oregon.