What the heck are these guys doing?

Matthew, Weston and Nathan are first year medical students with a passion for community health and biking. Along with Daphne, a first year Veterinary student, the 4 companions will embark on a five-week trip through 1,000 miles of rural Oregon wonder. Along the way they will be working in conjunction with the Oregon Academy of Family Physicians to facilitate community discussions on improving local healthcare options. See our photo album

Monday, July 4, 2011

One More Day

Tomorrow is the big day! We're all busy making last minute adjustments to our bikes, packing gear, and shopping for food. At 9:30am tomorrow the ride begins!

I must admit that I have a few butterflies in my stomach. More than a few unknowns lie ahead. Beyond the usual "What have I forgotten?" type worries, I hope that our presentations are well received. We've practiced a couple of times, but you never know how it will work out until you're in front of an audience. More than that though, I just hope people show up!


  1. Speaking from long personal experience, some of the presentations will go really, really well, most will be just fine, and a few will be not so fine. It has much more to do with your audience than with the presenters! Elizabeth Steiner MD, President, OAFP

  2. Thanks for the positive support! Tomorrow is our first presentation, so we're really excited. We've been practicing around the campfire, and we're feeling pretty good. Wes is up first as the MC, and we feel that he's really at the top of his game right now!
